Signia store for hearing aids

What to expect from your first visit to a hearing care professional

It's easy and painless! By the end of the process, your life can change significantly for the better.

Your visit will be simple, educational, and will provide you with greater insight intoyour indivdual needs. You will find learning the facts and meeting the specialists who can assist reassuring. By the end of it, you will wonder why you waited so long.

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Meet the expert

Your needs will be addressed by one of our licensed hearing care professionals with the qualifications and expertise to evaluate and advise you. Expect to spend some time talking to allow your hearing care professional to bet to know you.

It is important that you talk about what you have been experiencing and explore together how hearing issues may be  affecting you and your family.

Brining a spouse, family member, or friend to your visit will be beneficial. If you can bring someone close to you along, you'll usually get the most out of it.

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Get your hearing tested

Your hearing care professional will assess you hearing skills, evaluate the results, and provide suggestions and recommendations during this consultation.

Hearing abilities are assessed by taking exact measurements of how well you hear noises and conversation. This information helps your HCP understand your needs and provide you the best recommendations possible.

Fortunately, these measures are quick and simple. The tests are conducted in a sound-controlled environmen, such as a sound booth ar a quiet room, for maximum accuracy. You only need to listen and answer.

Plan the next steps

If you require hearing aids, you will learn which options are ideal for you, taking into account your hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget. Fortunately, there are numerous options available, and most people can be assisted. Discover for yourself! You'll be pleasantly surprised at how unobtrusive, if not completely invisible, today's optpions are. They are also simple to try, typically directly in the office or at home.

Today, more people are wearing hearing aids and benefiting from better hearing at a younger age. As other hearing device users have reported, you will likely have a higher quality of live because you will be able to communicate more actively with others.

Still having doubts to book an appointment with a hearing care professional?

Check out these articles with selected to help you understand hearing loss, hearing aids and your visit with a hearing care professional.

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